Services We Provide


Adult Primary Care.

Seeing Men and Women for all aspects of primary preventative Health and Wellness



Pediatric Care


Mental Health.

Family Mental health is an essential component of your comprehensive primary care

No urgent or emergent mental health care as our clinic does not have the resources to support this type of need.




Marriage is a commitment to listen to information you don’t want to hear. – Dr. Craig Walker PhD LCPC


How can we help YOU reach your goals?

Goal setting starts with YOU. We help bring the future YOU closer by partnering - together. Quality health takes work and dedication, but working together you will have quality of life.



What exactly DO you do at Walker Wellness?

Primary Family Medical and Mental health care that focuses on the prevention of chronic disease, and overall health and wellness.

Do you have walk in or urgent care, or after hours care?

Depending on the schedule, we may be able to see patients same day, during regular office hours, however we do not offer after hours or urgent or emergency medical or mental health care. Patients would have to utilize an area urgent care, hospital for these situations.

Can patients call after hours with questions?

Patients are always welcome to message their provider through their health portal or leave a text or voicemail message on our business line, however we DO NOT have an on call provider and may not get back to you with answers before the next business day. Please do not call with urgent or emergent medical, mental health or urgent prescription refills. Please call during regular business hours and give the staff at least 72 hours to refill a prescription.

What if I have questions that you have not addressed here?

Please feel free to contact us by email, phone, text, or your health portal.